
What about if we all concentrate on building a Framework of Sunshine?   “A Eudaimonic existence refers to what is intrinsically important in one’s life and the interpretation of that purpose and serving that purpose. The social dimension of Holistic Health encompasses

The environment and healthy Biopsychosocial exchanges are crucial to our existence.   “Much has changed since the Industrial Revolution, let me emphasize, much change has occured that is outside the scope of our evolution. We were not meant to be contained in

Emotional Wellness comes from a place of strength and optimism.   “Emotional wellness allows us the power to realize, accept and express our feelings without constraint so that we will enjoy the expression of our emotions. It is a dimension of life

Experience Thoughts as an Observer.   “The fundamental difference between emotions and feelings is that emotions are experienced consciously as sensations in the body (in real-time), while feelings are influenced by our emotions and manifest either consciously or subconsciously into Thoughts.”  

  “Social Wellness is an on-g0ing practice until our fuse burns out.”   ” Lonely individuals are more likely to have damaged blood vessels and other tissues, which increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, joint disease, depression, obesity, and premature death.

“Financial Wellness and Financial Literacy go hand-in-hand”   “High levels of financial stress manifest through physical symptoms like sleep loss, anxiety, headaches/migraines, compromised immune systems, digestive issues, high blood pressure, muscle tension, heart arrhythmia, depression, and feeling overwhelmed. Make your financial wellness

“Self-care = Positive Self-esteem = Physical Wellness in balance”   “Physical well-being is the direct result of lifestyle choices and our behavior around physical activity, hygiene, sleep, and having a positive mental attitude.”       Dr. Sixto   Physical Wellness is

“Intellectual Wellness is strengthened by continually engaging the mind.”   “Every night before we go to sleep, we must ask ourselves: What weakness did I overcome today? What virtue did I acquire?  Intellect refers to, describes, and identifies what is true and

“Human Nutrition has always been a fad “   “Human Nutrition has always been a fad. I can tell you otherwise: E at well! A Holistic Healthy whole food diet is my only recommendation as the gateway to healing, rejuvenation, and optimum

“Rigidity hurts, Flexibility finds space and nurture. “   “What is we discovered that our reactions to life may be wholly due to our experiences in life? When we become aware of our Rigid past thinking we can become open up to

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